First, a Little Bit About Me.
I’m Courtney Spencer, a transformational coach, attorney and professional speaker. As a lifelong resident of Connecticut, I hold a BA and law degree from University of Connecticut and am a professional Certified Co-Active Coach through the Coaches Training Institute.
I am also an experienced speaker in the area of special education law, and while pursuing my law degree Courtney interned for Connecticut Legal Services, was the community outreach director for the Public Interest Law Group and interned at the Center for Children’s Advocacy.
I have helped many high-achieving men and women bring freedom, joy and fulfillment to their lives leading to more success, happiness and productivity both at work and at home.
My engaging and empathetic style of coaching and presenting allows people to freely work through their struggles and learn the important steps to break free from the burdens of their daily life. My clients have transformed their health, careers, relationships with family, and relationships with themselves.
In my law practice I have passionately represented children with disabilities who have special education needs that are not being met. I also enjoy life with a wonderful husband and amazing daughter.

I Was Where You Are Now:
I was the consummate high achiever. From high school to college to law school to opening my own business to getting married and having my daughter, I was always focused on achieving my goals. There was nothing I could not achieve.
But here’s the thing, I didn’t always see myself as a high-achiever. Often times, I felt as though I was barely getting by – always something more to do, always something that needed improving, always something to feel bad about or guilty for. Despite my success as a high-demand lawyer there was something missing and I was keeping myself busy with tasks or work to fill the voids I believed were there.
A few years ago, this constant state of “busyness” lead to a total disconnect from my personal life and my own self, becoming a mask to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and fear. When my body finally decided it had enough, it shut down and I could no longer even eat.
No doctor could diagnose what was happening, however, to me, things slowly became clear. Although from the outside, as a successful attorney, wife and mother, it appeared as though I was on top of the world…. Something, clearly, had to change – And fast.

Let Me Help You Achieve Where I Am Today:
Today I am still outwardly successful. But, internally, my success feels meaningful rather than forced. I achieved this by changing my approach to work and life. I’ve been able to create sustainable happiness in my personal life and deep satisfaction in my work – two things I never thought possible. Let me help you do the same.
I’m here to support and coach you in tangible ways that help you move forward in your life – strategically and joyfully. I am here to listen, answer and guide you towards a personalized solution.
As a special education attorney, I have supported clients and their parents through the legal system and some of the most meaningful feedback I received was “you saved my child.” I didn’t of course. At least not literally. What I did was fight like an unrelenting bulldog while empowering my clients to get through the process with all the support and compassion I could muster – which is a lot – and not always common in the legal field.
I do the same for each of my coaching clients, so you can move forward – feeling more freedom, vitality, confidence and possibility, without compromising their success.